Credit opinion calculator has two modules. First module is analyzing financials. Second module is analyzing general data of the company.
First module analyzes the following data:
- Age of last finances
- Quantity of actual finances
- Last turnover (compares with other years)
- Previous turnover (compares with other years)
- Any turnover falling (trend check up to 5 years)
- Turnover growth (trend check up to 5 years)
- Leverage
- Current ratio
- Quick ratio
- For each main financial element growth temp (trend check up to 5 years)
- Gross result / equity or turnover
- Gross result (negative/positive and margin)
- Operating profit (-loss) (negative/positive and margin)
- Net loss count
- Net loss average
- Net profit / equity or turnover
- Net profit (negative/positive and margin)
Each step includes 4-10 sub steps, which are adjusting assessment. In overall first module includes over 150 financial calculations.
Second module analyzes the following data:
- Current status of the company
- Changes in status for the last 3 years (history check)
- Basic information controller
- Directors/owners controller
- Legal form
- Parent company controller
- Activity field
- Company age
- Personnel growth temp
- Debt check
- Average velocity of closing debts
Each step includes 6-15 sub steps, which are adjusting assessment. In overall second module includes over 100 analysis.
Both modules (first and second modules) include over 250 different analysis.
Please note:
Simplified credit opinion calculator includes only first module.
Full Credit Report (or Credit Opinion) includes both modules.